Albers, Responsibility and Liability in the Context of Transboundary Movements o…
Albers, Responsibility and Liability in the Context of Transboundary Movements o
Albers, Jan: Responsibility and Liability in the Context of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes by Sea. Existing Rules and the 1999 Liability Protocol to the Basel Convention. Aufl. 2015. Berlin, Springer Berlin, 2014. 235 mm x 155 mm. 400p. Hardcover Versand aus Deutschland / We dispatch from Germany via Air Mail. Einband bestoßen, daher Mängelexemplar gestempelt, sonst sehr guter Zustand. Imperfect copy due to slightly bumped cover, apart from this in very good condition. Stamped. Current issue. Used. Good condition. (Original price: 139,09) Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs ; 29.
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